How has technology (computers) assisted you in becoming a responsible businessperson?

The modern world is being revolutionized by technology, but how does this directly affect the business sector?

You might be wondering how high tech is driving businesses to close, given that some of the most successful corporations of the 20th and 21st century have only been in operation for 16 years and have experienced tremendous transformation. White settlers brought photos with them when they initially came to Rwanda. Things got worse as Rwandans advanced, to the point that anyone could take images of festivals, weddings, and other occasions for two hundred dollars. 1998 saw the
A corporation that produces film, which was formerly utilized in cameras, has only However, it formerly held an 85% share of the photography business; however, with the release of the first digital camera. They occasionally utilize a high-end digital camera, after which they store their images on a computer or even in the cloud. The loss of files is difficult.


Will the corporation experience what happened to Kodak and other industries? The market for radio cassettes and magnetos won't last ten years, but are CDs still as well-liked as they were before? The P5 child now has a flash drive, and every gadget has a USB connector because flash drives have become so crucial.These days, software is always changing in a number of strange ways. You will hear it in the history you see with your own eyes in fifteen years. The pioneer of taxi services worldwide is Uber. The nation's cab drivers

The Tricorder will soon show up on smartphone displays, allowing you to test your blood and find out instantly if you have any diseases.These days, 3D scanning and printing are commonplace. Soon, someone may be able to scan his foot and quickly and inexpensively print a pair of shoes for himself.Where is the animal killing for in vitro meat? The meat is now processed first due to the rise in demand for meat and animal products.In order to speed up their growth, the hens were given chemicals, and now they will be processed in the same way as bread or other foods. He doesn't mind because, despite

IT Sam

I'm Rwandan content creator. I'm addicted to entertainment news.

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