12 things they never told you about Rwanda

1. Africa's cleanest metropolis Rwanda's capital, Kigali, is home to numerous exquisite hotels, parks, areas without cars, and other lovely locations. The Rwandan government has put measures in place to maintain a clean city. Garbage can be disposed of in dustbins. 2. The lovely girls' home Rwanda is among the top three African nations with the most attractive women. They are attractive, tall, and eager to take care of their boyfriend. Even without makeup, some of the black and some of the brown people look good. 3. The largest percentage of powerful women 60% of the seats in the Rwandan parliament are held by women. Rwanda was a leader in the field of gender equality. not just through politics but also with approval in the fields of health care, employment, and education. 4. The homeland of everyday celebrities Rwanda is home to numerous celebrities.

Rwanda has never been defeated by a neighboring kingdom in its history. A hundred years ago, Rwanda's army provided protection. Even in difficult times, kings would always muster their armies for battle. Despite being kings, they were once spies. 10. Just one language Kinyarwanda is the official language of the entire Rwandan culture. Over 25 million people speak Kinyarwanda; only 12 million people speak Rwandan. Many people speak Kinyarwanda as their first language in East Africa, which includes the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Tanzania, Uganda, Burundi, and Zambia. However, Rwandans are also multilingual, speaking Chinese, Dutch, Spanish, English, French, and Kiswahili. 11. The African Heartland Rwanda is located in the center of Africa, as everyone can see when looking at a map. So many refer to it as the heart of

IT Sam

I'm Rwandan content creator. I'm addicted to entertainment news.


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